"I have used several activities in your book, and since I am the Algebra I lead teacher that means all Algebra I classes used the activities. We especially liked the Independent vs. Dependent Variable posters. It really help the students, and as they personalized their poster, it allowed us to know more about each student... Thanks for a great resource." - Katie Owen, Corpus Christi, TX
"First, let me say, 'AWESOME book!' I love doing meaningful activities to reinforce learning in the classroom, especially for math. I purchased your book a couple of months ago during my student teaching. What a great resource!" - Laurie Line, NV
"Easy to use and adapt. Check it out." - Eric DeSobe, via TFANet.org
"I love this resource! It gives a lot of great, easily adaptable and continuous ways to structure formative assessment in your classroom!" - Kate Barbato, via TFANet.org
"Hi. I've downloaded your book and had a read. It's great. Thanks very much!" robertd1981, via Twitter
"great resource. Already have some ideas to implement in my classroom from your book." SErwin, via Twitter
"Thanks very much. Lesson one will be use the first day back from break. Perfect!" Schadenfreude, comment on teachforever.com

You can get Ten Cheap Lessons from the teachforever.com Bookstore, or online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
If you really want to help get the word out, ask your local bookseller to order a copy for you. As far as I know, the book isn't available in stores, but if people request it, who knows what might happen! If you already have the book and are ready to pass it along, there's a few people waiting to trade for it on PaperBackSwap as well.
Thank you to everyone who's purchased a copy or downloaded it for free! It's important to me that I'm making a difference for teachers (and ultimately students) all over the world. Happy anniversary!