- 13 Top iPhone Apps for Students [from Connect with your Teens through Pop Culture and Technology] - A good companion to my advice on learning how to use this kind of disruptive innovation in the classroom (see #42 from my 50 Cheap Mini-Lessons for Teachers).
- Try These Search Terms if You Want Some Malware [from Consumerist] - Avoid messing up your computer by keeping this in mind when you search.
- Mini-Documentaries Make Math and Science Meaningful to Students [from Wired:GeekDad] - GeekDad reviews The Futures Channel, an educational video site I reviewed in December.
- floorplanner [via Lifehacker] - When I was younger, I used to play with my Dad's 2D home design software. I think it helped me with my spatial reasoning and 3D visualization, two critical skills for mathematics. floorplanner allows you to plan a design in 2D and then view it in 3D, and I immediately look at software like this and consider the classroom applications. Lifehacker details what the free version can do.
- Netflix App Gallery [via Hacking Netflix] - The ubiquitous DVD-by-mail service recently launched their own iPhone-esque App site. Wouldn't it be great to have a teacher-friendly Netflix App that linked films, documentaries and TV shows to relevant lesson plans and ideas?
Information, inspiration and ideas to help teachers in and out of the classroom
Friday, June 19, 2009
Five for Friday: Disruptive Innovation Edition
Nothing excites me more than the prospect of truly innovative educational technology changing the landscape of our profession and students' lives. On the other hand, nothing frustrates me more than the ill-conceived, over-hyped educational technology school districts usually latch on to. Thus this week's edition is all about technology that's changing education for the better: