I have a problem with speaking and thinking in absolutes. As my mother could surely verify, the number of times I've said I was never going to do something is only outweighed by the number of times I've done it. I try to remember to say things like, "Right now, I think..." or "I'd really like to..." when I think out loud about big ideas and plans I'm making. The situation almost never works out the way I expect, of course, but I never stop dreaming.
The plan was to stay in Boston for at least two years, more if I really found a niche here. Not surprisingly, that's not at all how things will hash out. As soon as school is out, I'm moving back to the Rio Grande Valley, where I lived and worked for five years after graduating college. I'll be back there around July 1st.
I don't have a job, place to live, or mode of transportation yet. This was also not part of the plan; unfortunately what I've pursued thus far hasn't worked out. I can pay the bills for a few months, so I'm not worried about that. I do know this: I love the RGV, and I can't wait to get back. I've learned a lot in Boston, and I intend to publish a proper goodbye to the city on June 27th, the day I'll be leaving.
I want to let all of you know that I am also seriously looking into jobs outside the classroom. I want to believe that I shouldn't do anything other than teach, but I'd be lying if I said that's definitely what I want to do. This year could be the one where I transition to a life without teaching (at least in the traditional sense).
I can tell you that even considering anything other than being in the classroom is in an incredibly difficult decision, and one huge reason is the deep obligation I feel to the many readers of this blog. It's hard to reconcile all of this with the mission I set out with almost two years ago. I can also tell you I'm not ruling anything out, so rest assured that I am considering things very, very carefully.
Thank you to everyone who's ever participated in this website, and especially to those of you who have written to tell me you were inspired or informed in some way. I'll keep you updated on what happens.