- Playing video games = Healthy body, healthy mind [@Digital Play]
- Artwiculate [via Lifehacker] - Twitter users teach each other vocabulary by using a "word of the day" in a 140-character sentence. Participants share (retweet) and vote on each others' sentences. Sounds like something that could be easily adapted to the classroom.
- The Daily OMGs [@Hey Miss!] - The Miss has been dealing with a lot of in-class drama recently, both figuratively and literally. She needs your support!
- Lack of Sleep Increases the Chance of Catching a Cold [@NY Times via Lifehacker] - I also submit myself as evidence. I got lots of colds when teaching, and I had horrible sleeping habits. Sleep is right up there with lowering stress in terms of keeping your immune system strong.
- 100 Tools to Make Your Kids Math and Science Stars - Now you can't say "I don't know where to start!"
Information, inspiration and ideas to help teachers in and out of the classroom
Friday, October 9, 2009
Five for Friday - Rocktober Edition
five for friday