Monday, June 28, 2010

Make Online Tests Easily With Free Zoho Challenge

Zoho Challenge is a free, dead-simple online quiz creation tool from the prolific web-based application hub  I've tried other similar apps, but I really like how easy and intuitive this one is.  Everything from initial sign-up (use your Google or Facebook account to save time and effort) to creating questions and quizzes can be done in no time.

To demonstrate the look, functionality and features of the quizzes (not the least of which is being able to embed it directly on a site), I put together a fun little quiz about myself and this site.  If you consider yourself a regular reader, you should easily ace it:

The quiz editor is straightforward; I was able to assemble this example in just a few minutes.  As with most quality online quiz creation applications, you can set time limits, decide who can take the quiz, and much more.

Since it's free and easy to use, it's worth trying out if you're looking for online quiz options.  Check out Zoho Challenge on Twitter to quickly connect with others who are trying it out or using it already.  Finally, here's one educator's take on Zoho Challenge vs. Google Forms.

Not satisfied?  Try 20 Sites to Create Online Quizzes, Polls and Surveys.