Teachers who are looking for different ways to test their students inside and outside of class can find a wide range of helpful tools online. There are sites that can be used to create quizzes, apps that can create polls, and web tools that build online surveys. Here are 20 sites to try today:
ClassMarker - ClassMarker is a free online quiz service that can be used to create online quizzes for individuals or entire groups. After the quiz is taken, ClassMarker will calculate results automatically.
Quizlet - Quizlet is a unique site that quizzes through flashcards. Teachers can make their own cards or use cards that have been created by other people.
Discovery Education Quiz Center - This online tool from Discovery Education allows teachers to create, administer, and grade quizzes online. The tool includes a full tutorial as well as other features that can't be found anywhere else.
ProProfs Quiz School - ProProfs offers this free quiz maker for classroom teachers who want to create quizzes with color and images. Quizzes can be printed, emailed, or posted online.
QuizBox - QuizBox is a free online quiz builder that can be used to make quizzes for blogs and websites. The builder allows users to choose the number of questions as well as the number of multiple choice answers.
MyQuizCreator - This free quiz tool quickly creates quizzes for blogs, websites, and MySpace profiles.
EasyTestMaker - This easy-to-use test generator builds multiple choice tests, true and false tests, fill-in-the-blank tests, and other types of quizzes.
ProProfs Polls - This free online tool is perfect for teachers who want to create professional looking polls for use in the classroom. ProProfs Polls can also be used on blogs and websites.
MyPollCreator - MyPollCreator offers a free 3-minute poll maker that can be used to create polls for blogs, websites, and MySpace profiles.
LearnMyself Poll Maker - The free Poll Maker from LearnMyself.com makes it easy to create fast and free polls for the web. Poll Maker generates code so that it can be copied and pasted into a content management system.
99polls - This site can be used to create flash polls and customizable surveys for the web. Polls and surveys can be added to blogs, websites, MySpace, pages, and Friendster accounts.
Poll Everywhere - With Poll Everywhere, users can create live audience polls and receive answers via text message, Twitter, or the web.
PollDaddy - This free polling service works well for Twitter users who want to poll their followers. Questions can be up to 110 characters long and can include up to 20 answer options.
StatPac - StatPac provides a free instant poll generator that creates polls for websites. Users simply fill out a form and the StatPac tool generates the HTML.
Zoomerang - The basic version of this free survey software creates fast, easy surveys with up to 30 questions. One hundred responses are allowed per survey.
Questionform - This free web application can be used to create and publish free, online surveys. Questionform's survey editor features a simple drag and drop method and offers the ability to track survey results in real-time and analyze responses afterward.
SurveyMonkey - The basic version of SurveyMonkey creates professional surveys in any language. Ten questions are allowed per survey; there are 15 types of questions to choose from in all.
FreeOnlineSurveys.com - This free site can be used to create free website and email surveys in less than 10 minutes. There is no software to download and results are collected automatically.
KwikSurveys - More than 100,000 people use this site to create free web and email surveys. There is no limit to the number of questions a KwikSurvey can include and no limit to the number of people who can respond.
Survey Builder - This free Survey Builder from the Center for History and New Media was designed for Internet-based oral history reports, course evaluations, and other education projects.
Guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Karen also writes for OnlineCollege.org.