The Personal Invitation [f(t)] - Ms. Nowak reminds us of the power of knowing your students and of one-on-one conversations.
Video in the Classroom Mini-Carnival #5 [Creating Lifelong Learners] - Great examples and inspiration here.
1 Plus and 1 Delta on Teach Like a Champion [ABDCE] - A Washington, D.C. TFA corps member thoughtfully dives into Doug Lemov's Teach Like a Champion and how to make its ideas work in schools without the strong culture of a KIPP, Achievement First or other high-performing charter school.
How to make a nice graph for tests and such [Math Teacher Mambo] - Ms. Cookie breaks it down for us.
The GOOD Guide to Education Innovation [GOOD] - The magazine, well worth the subscription for their education articles alone, focuses on ten innovative ideas changing the educational landscape.