- Word Wall
- Weekly Contest
- College corner (featuring your alma mater)
- Examples of great work from your former students
- Artwork, pictures and notes from your former students
- Class job postings
- Subject-related news articles
- Subject-related career articles
- A PostSecret-style project - My students came up with something like this on their own last year. It started as a couple of post-it notes anonymously detailing their feeling on the wall behind my desk. By the end of the year, it was a tremendous piece of art!
- Challenging question of the week (something tied to your current unit)
- Student of the Week
- Puzzle, riddle or game of the week (pulled from any brain teaser book or website)
- Personal photo collage; something that reveals a bit about you
- Plants (or grow some from seeds!)
- Decorative lighting, a cool floor lamp, disco ball, etc--something that adds a little color and a different feel to the room when in use (Check the fire code first!!!)
- Service learning project information (i.e. Kiva)
- Paint a piece of old furniture--a table or bookcase you're allowed to paint--with chalkboard
or whiteboard paint and start an ongoing art project
- Work together with students to create a mural, even if it's done on paper covering the wall (and not on the wall itself)
- Turn any picture into a huge block poster.
- Nothing at all - Tell your students that you've left the walls empty because together, you are going to fill them up with classwork, artwork and other stuff to make this a space they are proud of and comfortable in.
Information, inspiration and ideas to help teachers in and out of the classroom