Monday, January 17, 2011

Book Giveaway: Successful Classroom Management by Eyster & Martin

Just like last week, I'm giving away another education book in exchange for a review for the blog.  This week, it's Successful Classroom Management: Real-World, Time-Tested Techniques for the Most Important Skill Set Every Teacher Needs by Richard H. Eyster and Christine Martin.

The book is aimed at new and struggling teachers and goes in-depth into everything that will influence your classroom management.  Check out this review from, which contains book highlights and insights from co-author Eyster as well.

If you're interested in a free review copy of the book, send me an email ( by midnight CST tonight indicating your interest. I'll randomly pick a winner tomorrow. Remember, that I'm asking for your review to share here on the blog in return!

You don't have to send your mailing address up front; I'll only ask for that if you win.  The only person not eligible is last week's winner (sorry, but I need to spread the joy around), so if you entered last week and didn't win, send along another email this week.

Thanks to Sourcebooks for providing a free review copy.  Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more giveaways!