It's time once again for the Education Buzz blog carnival! I'm happy to be hosting for the first time in a long time, sharing great submissions and some great posts I've been eager to share. Let's get to it:
Sensational Submissions!
Friend of the blog John Pearson celebrates the release of his new book in Learn Me Good: The day is here! posted on Learn Me Good.
Nancy Flanagan presents The Five Million Dollar Demonstration posted at Teacher in a Strange Land, noting "So what was that Save Our Schools March thing about, anyway?"
Michail Spiliopoulos presents How to memorize information more efficiently preparing for exams (Part 1) posted at Brain superiority...Boost your brain power!!!. Includes links to parts 2 & 3.
Darren presents Teacher Suspended For Blog Post Back On The Job posted at Right on the Left Coast: Views From a Conservative Teacher. Would you want your kid in this teacher's class? Would you want to be in it? Would you even want this person as your colleague? I'd have to say no to all three.
Jennifer Bardsley presents Afterschooling, a Definition posted at Teaching My Baby To Read.
Joep de Graaff presents Dumbing down posted at Dancing Crocodile, reflecting on our increasing reliance on technology to do our thinking for us.
siobhan curious presents Should We Bid Farewell to the Academic Paper? posted at Classroom as Microcosm, noting: "This post was featured on the front page of last week and got a whopping 167 comments - why not add yours to the conversation?"
The ringmaster of this carnival, Carol Richtsmeier presents Back-to-School, Top 5 Dream Killers & Educational Polyjuice posted at Bellringers.
Danette Schott presents Asperger Syndrome: What Teachers Need to Know :: Help! S-O-S for Parents posted at Help! S-O-S for Parents.
Rachel presents Getting Freshman Off to the Right Start posted at High School Ed Help.
Host Selections
The geniuses at adaptive software maker Knewton explain How to Make an Interactive Lesson Using YouTube on Knewton EdTech blog. This is one of the most exciting posts I've read in quite a long time. I didn't realize how simple it is to create what is basically a choose-your-own-adventure series of videos.
Jennifer Barnett posted a list of ideas for High-Tech Teaching in a Low-Tech Classroom on EdWeek's Teacher Leaders Network.
Shelly Blake-Plock of TeachPaperless tells us I Am Not A Great Teacher, knowing that admitting you don't know everything is a pretty important idea in and of itself.
Tom Schimmer reads my mind and makes an eloquent argument about the fallacy of penalizing students (or not even accepting) late work in Enough with the Late Penalties!
Steve Wheeler gives us Seven reasons teachers should blog on Learning with 'e's. No argument here!
Jay Dolmage shares ideas for students to write about their personal, family and cultural Food Rules on Bedford Bits: Ideas for Teaching Composition. Sometimes I wish I taught some kind of writing course, but then I remember the nonsense around standardized testing.
Katie Hellerman shares Top Five Fastest Ways to Improve Your Teaching on The Teaching Game. Can't really disagree with any of them.
Liz Dwyer, Education Editor of GOOD, reports on exciting times in science education in Who Runs the World? Three Girls Sweep Google's Science Fair.
Texas teacher Mrs. H shares an all-too-common story about anxiety before the first day of school in And the Nightmares Begin, posted on Math Tales from the Spring.
Finally, I had to share the wisdom of Seth Godin in Is your anger killing your art? from Seth's Blog.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of education buzz using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.