2 Dead Economists In An Extreme Rap Battle [Consumerist] - Keynes vs. Hayek throw down over their economic theories. I'm waiting for Alexander Hamilton vs. Thomas Jefferson in a battle of nascent political parties.
Extreme Word Problem Writing [The Number Warrior] - I'm all for new and exciting ways to engage students, but I think word problems can be more effective if they just make more sense and are a bit more relevant. These extreme questions are certainly interesting if not useless in the classroom, similar to those in the SAT parody book I reviewed recently.
Printliminator Quickly, Easily Makes Any Page Printer Friendly [Lifehacker] - Save on ink, paper and copies with this handy tool. I've also shared similar resources here.
Stop Overscheduling Your Children! [Wired: GeekDad] - Jenny Williams makes a case for giving your kids time to be kids.
Free Math, Language Arts and Geography Games [The Innovative Educator]