What Are the Myths About Math? [Math Mama Writes...] - Sue starts a very interesting discussion that you should contribute to!
Homework Post #2 [Kiss My Asymptotes] - Speaking of a good conversation, JT wonders if he should have his students grade their own homework and contemplates a more effective way to give student feedback.
FTC Enhances Consumer Website for Kids -This new, interactive website created by the Federal Trade Commission aims to teach kids about privacy and fraud. There's a lot of material you could use to build a solid consumer education and media literacy unit. Check out the Parents & Teachers page for more ideas.
Math Teachers at Play #24 [Let's Play Math]
Final Call for School Security Officer Scholarship Nominations - The National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO) has extended the entry deadline for the 2010 Wren Solutions School Resource Officer (SRO) Scholarship Award. Nominations will now be accepted until May 1, 2010. This is a great way for them to extend their education. Read a guest post from Wren's school security expert, Bret Rachlin: How Teachers Can Help Make Their School's Security a Priority.