Friday, February 5, 2010

Don't Be Boring, Play Video Games Instead of Reading and More [Five for Friday]

  1. 8 Signs You Might Be Boring Someone [mental_floss Blog] - Hopefully you can avoid these in your daily interactions!
  2. Why playing video games is better than reading books [Digital Play] - This thought-provoking article from one of my favorite blogs is sure to get you fired up one way or another.
  3. Harnessing the Power of Cell Phones in Class Lesson Plans [The Innovative Educator] - More smart, practical advice on integrating technology into your curriculum.
  4. You, Too, Can Make Amazingly Beautiful Fractals With Apophysis [Wired: GeekDad] - Review of open-source software for creating fractals.
  5. A Clean (Smelling) Workplace Increases Fairness and Generosity [Lifehacker] - Could the same concept apply to the classroom?