Last year, I combined these projects using the iPads our students had available:
BASICS OF QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS IPAD PROJECTAs with the adaptable iPad project I shared last week, you could also give students the option of using the fantastic Educreations app.
- Create a Keynote presentation or video that shows 2 quadratic equations and their graphs (one that opens up and one that opens down).
- Label these parts:
- Vertex
- Axis of symmetry
- Roots/zeros (if any)
- Minimum or maximum
- Show how to tell if a graph opens up or down just from the equation.
- Show how to find the vertex using the calculator.
- Show how to find the zeros/roots using the calculator.
Essentially this is the same project as those simple posters, but it utilizes the technology we had available in a meaningful way. While I would never want to replace every low or no-tech project I use, it's always important to take advantage of the resources you have.