This week's giveaway is a hardcover copy of Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash in On Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk.
I read this book with great interest recently, as I took serious stock of my career and life. Am I really fully engaged in my passion in my current position? Is there room for me to grow, learn, and take advantage of an entrepreneurial spirit? Is there something else I'd rather be doing, even if it meant taking a huge pay cut? These are the types of questions Vaynerchuk pushes you to consider. He then lays out the simple, powerful tools and opportunities that didn't exist even a few years ago for you to turn your passion into your work. There's no suggestion that everybody can become rich by simply following their passions, but he does make a compelling case that there's no reason you couldn't make a living doing what you love.
I hope my giveaway this week doesn't give people the idea that I'm encouraging educators to quit. Quite the opposite: now more than ever, there are opportunities for educators to launch and partner in new schools, nonprofits and for-profits addressing the many problems holding our students back. Of course, some of you might read this and be inspired to do something completely different, and I don't think anyone should hold that against you.
So this week I'm asking a simple question: What is your passion? What would you spend all of your time doing if you could only make enough money doing it? For some of you, the answer might be teaching, or whatever you're already doing. That's great, and I encourage you to enter. I'll pick the most compelling answer and send them the book.
Entries are due to by 11:59pm CST tonight. Good luck!
*This book was not a review copy or freebie; I bought it from a bookstore over winter break. Just sharing the love.