82 Stores Offering Discounts for Teachers [Brad's Deals] - The fine folks at this coupon/deal-sharing blog did their homework and compiled a huge list of discounts to offset all of the out-of-pocket spending teachers do. Absolutely needs to be bookmarked for quick reference!
Speechless. [Look at my happy rainbow!] - Mr. Halpern attempts to teach the difference between fiction and non-fiction, with hilarious results.
Study: Principal Leadership Improves Student Learning [edReformer] - Now, how do we replicate this kind of program across the country?
Chess Helps Troubled Kids in School [Educational Games Research] - Board and card games are not obsolete yet; in fact, I think they're more interesting for the "digital native" generation because for them, it's such a novel concept that something so simple can be so powerful.
What Can We Give to Teachers to Make Them Better Teachers? [GOOD] - Spot on infographic that visualizes the responses of 40,000 teachers.