Friday, May 15, 2009

Five (Plus Five) for Friday: Back from the Dead Edition!

The last few weeks have been particularly rough, and one of the victims has been my Five for Friday link sharing series. So this week, I'm giving you ten (5+5) hand-picked resources and articles:
  1. Free Web Browser-Based Teleprompter [from Technology Education Know-How]
  2. The Blue Man Group Opens a School [from Inc. magazine, May 2009] - Did you hear about this? It sounds like they're following a lot of the ideals that homeschoolers and unschoolers subscribe to, except for the whole having a school thing (not to mention the tuition). [BONUS! More on the school from Time magazine]
  3. Review: "Mathematical World" [from f(t)] - Kate reviews a CD full of high quality math-related images that teachers could use to better illustrate a wide range of concepts. It makes me want to go out and take more pictures myself, as well as search on photo-sharing sites to make some kind of free math image list.
  4. Math Meets Meteorology: New TV Show for Kids on Climate Change [from Wired: GeekDad]
  5. Reconsider Your Reality [from Education Innovation] - An interesting slideshow to get you thinking over weekend.
  6. Do You Analyze Student Work to Improve Your Teaching? [from TLN Teacher Voices] - The summer is quickly approaching, and this article reminds me of how important it is to reflect and take notes on what worked and didn't work while things are still fresh in my mind!
  7. 9 Reasons To Quit Teaching (And 10 Reasons to Stick) [from So You Want To Teach?] - Joel recently started revisiting some of his best posts, and considering the time of year, it's worth reading (or rereading).
  8. Brazen Luther King [from This Brazen Teacher] - In March, Brazen's art class faced the kind of treatment that so many teachers face when schools are overcome by testing madness. Here, she takes a cue from Dr. King and talks about her dream for herself and her students.
  9. Chris Brown and Rihanna: What The Survey Really Means [from Ghetto Uprising via Universal Hub] - When this incident first happened, a survey of Boston teenagers showed a disturbing percentage of students thought Rihanna was at fault for getting beat up. Harold Clemens, a local teacher, discusses what these young people may have been thinking.
  10. This is why we don't use Wikipedia [from School of Blog] - A cautionary tale.