Friday, May 29, 2009

Five for Friday: "How Many Weeks Left?!?!" Edition

Growing up in New Jersey, school typically ended in early to mid June. In college and the Rio Grande Valley alike, school was over by mid to late May. Now here in Boston, school isn't over until the very end of June, and I'm just plain confused. How many weeks are left? Where am I? What's going on? Help!!! Here's some links to help keep you slightly more sane than me:
  1. Math Teachers at Play #8 - The math-tastic blog carnival continues at Let's Play Math.
  2. [via Lifehacker] - Create simple, interactive charts online.
  3. My Reflections: The Master List - Footsteps of Aristotle is featuring a series of mid-year reflections from Australian teacher/blogger Mrs. D. She asks herself what she needs to improve, and what she already does well. It's similar to my March series On Failure and On Success, and absolutely worth the read.
  4. Holy Craps! How a Gambling Grandma Broke the Record [from] - I've been covering probability the last two weeks, and this is the perfect story at the perfect time. I'll be showing this CNN video in class on Monday!
  5. Does Scholastic Deserve a Failing Grade? - Wired's GeekDad blog questions whether the publishing powerhouse is providing an invaluable service, or just taking advantage of their unbridled access to kids in order to sell them lots of non-educational crap. I tend to believe it's the latter.
Share any great links you've found this week (or that you've been saving for just such an occasion) in the comments.