Saturday, November 1, 2008

Decorate Your Classroom On the Cheap, Convert PDF to Text, & Learn About Ballot Initiatives

I want to share three great resources I found through Lifehacker, the personal productivity and technology website, which is worth checking out on a regular basis for any teacher.
  1. Block Posters breaks down images into printable pieces, which means you could make big posters for your classroom for free (save the cost of ink or printing, which hopefully you can do for free at school). Check out their gallery for some inspiration. [Original post]
  2. You can now convert PDF files into editable text files via Google, saving you (and your school and district) from needing to purchase expensive software. [Original post]
  3. For anyone teaching about local and state ballot initiatives and the election in general, Ballotpedia is a great resource to use with your students. This would be great for upper level high school students studying civics or politics. [Original post]