After the news of the overall scores, we soon received another report which listed all of the students who tested, but only shows a mere YES or NO as to whether they passed, failed, or achieved "commended performance". I received this information during the last period of the day, and my students probably would have burned me at the stake if I didn't give them this very limited information immediately. To be honest, I couldn't really do anything else other than look up their results either, because I had been waiting for almost 3 weeks. That class did extraordinarily well, and after school I couldn't wait to pore over the results.
The final tally: 52% of my students passed the test. While you may see this number and wonder why the jubilation, you have to understand the context:
- We beat the campus: Overall, 51% of the 9th graders passed the math test at my school.
- We beat the district: Our campus had the highest scores of the 3 high schools in our district in every subject, math included.
- We beat history: Last year, only 45% of my students passed the test (48% overall in the 9th grade).