Monday, May 14, 2012

An Educator's Reading List for Surviving & Thriving, Part 1

I recently ran a workshop for new and preservice teachers at The University of Texas-Pan American (where I'm working towards a masters in Educational Administration) on some of the overarching themes and specific pieces of advice from my book Teaching is Not a Four Letter Word.

After the workshop, I kicked myself for not creating a recommended reading list with all the sources that inspired many of the ideas in the book.  I refer to these books, magazines and blogs all the time here on the blog, but haven't yet collected them together.  I've included links to relevant posts I've written about each source as well.  Enjoy!

Teaching with Love & Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom by Jim Fay and David Funk. No single book has shaped me more as an educator than this classic.  It will revolutionize the way you manage your classroom and help you build strong relationships with your students, which is a base from which to do amazing things.  You can hear a bit about one of the main ideas in this video (skip to about 3 minutes in).

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. This one always gets a laugh when I mention it to colleagues, but if you put aside the central conceit and concentrate on the ideas that apply directly to what teachers do, you'll create a more sustainable way of life:
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't by Jim Collins. This book should be standard reading for anyone who wants to be a leader in the classroom and especially if you want to move into a school or district leadership role.  Collins draws examples from the business world, but the principles of good leadership don't change--indeed, the main ideas of this book have become recurring themes in my graduate school program in Educational Administration.
    Fast Company - FC is a magazine about entrepreneurship and business that will inspire to anyone who wants to help their students succeed and be prepared for the 21st century.  They write about the nature of creativity, power of design, innovations in education, and how technology is shaping our world so you can keep on top of what's next.  Here are some reflections I did on education-related FC articles:
    GOOD - Consistently great writing on education and anything else having to do with being "what is sustainable, prosperous, productive, creative, and just".  Liz Dwyer is the Education Editor and does an amazing job.  GOOD articles are regularly shared in my weekly Five for Friday posts.

    More recommendations tomorrow!