What does an education cost? [via Building Tomorrow] - "Building Tomorrow's calculator enables anyone who went to school in the US to determine the cost of their own 1st through 7th grade education by simply entering the year they were born and the state where they went to school. Behind the scenes, the calculator accesses years of current expenditures per pupil (CEPP) data originally compiled by the National Center for Education Statistics. All of the data is quickly converted to current (2007-2008) costs for easy comparison." According to the calculator, my New Jersey education cost about $95k, which would provide elementary education to 271 students in Uganda. That's a pretty huge impact!
Learning Chocolate - A simple, straightforward resource for children to learn and practice English vocabulary.
GOOD Design Daily: 24 Well Designed Toys Kids Will Like [GOOD]
The Boardgame Remix Kit Combines Your Old Games Into New Ones [Lifehacker] - Great project for you and your children if you're home the last few days of Spring Break!
Play Outside With 225 Kid Outdoor Games [Wired: GeekDad] - All in a handy iPhone app!