- Carnival of Homeschooling: NaNoWriMo Edition - Worth exploring for educators in any venue.
- 99 Excellent Advice Sites for Teachers - 100 if you count my blog!
- iplaymathgames.com - My boss tipped me off to these math games using cards and dice designed for Grades 2-3. IPMG Publishing's website contains tons of free, fun activities. If you've been interested in all of the simple number sense games I've been writing about, you'll certainly find a lot of new resources here!
- Survey Shows Parents Would Rather Talk Drugs Than Science or Math - A good summary and reaction of the report is up on Wired: GeekDad.
- Find a Way - The always interesting educators at Sup Teach? share another story about how easy and important it is to show students you care.
Information, inspiration and ideas to help teachers in and out of the classroom
Friday, November 20, 2009
Five for Friday: Yes, It's Really Almost Thanksgiving Edition
five for friday