This week's post comes from retired teacher Amy Strecker, who is both a Teach for America alum and native Texan. She now works for OneSeventeenMedia, a company using social networking and technology to help our kids survive and thrive their youth. She also writes for the OneSeventeenMedia blog, which is a must-read for anyone interested in social networking and education issues.
Particularly as a novice teacher, humility is essential. Many times young teachers do have fresh ideas that can be valuable improvements to schools. However, implementing new ideas, without allies to support and partner with you, is a treacherous, uphill battle. By approaching colleagues with intentional humility to seek out their best ideas, you’ll find them much more willing to hear you out after feeling that their own experiences and opinions have been validated by your considerate, humble reception.
Read more about this project here or add the 52 teachers 52 lessons tag to your favorites. Email your entries to teachforeverATgmailDOTcom. Week 14 will be posted next Monday, April 20th.