This is not a contest, nor is it a giveaway. In return for a chance to read and use the book, I'm asking everyone who receives the book to:
- Email me ( and tell me who you are, where you're from (city and state), and what you thought of the book.
- If you like it, pass it on to someone who you think would also like it, and ask them to email me the above information as well. Then they can pass it on to someone else, and so on.
- If anyone along the way doesn't like it, send it back to me (my return address will be enclosed), and I'll give someone else the chance to try it out.
I'm calling this experiment Ten FREE Lessons! If you're interested, email me with your name and address (or questions or concerns you may have). I'll accept the first five requests I receive (if there's a huge response, perhaps I can send more), and we'll see just how far Ten Cheap Lessons can go. Thank you!